Kako se riješiti potkožnog prišta?

Kako se riješiti potkožnog prišta?

Kako ukloniti duboke bore na licu?

Kako ukloniti duboke bore na licu?

Jedina hidratantna krema koju ćete trebati ovog ljeta

The only moisturizer you'll need this summer

Help has arrived for an even complexion, hydrated skin and reduced sebum secretion that does not make the skin greasy even in summer

Kako brzinski zaliječiti opekline od sunca?

How to quickly heal sunburn?

Although you should be careful from the sun - when you burn, it's time to thoroughly repair the damage

4 idealna proizvoda za sve tipove kože za ljeto

4 idealna proizvoda za sve tipove kože za ljeto

Zašto je bitno njegovati okoloočno područje?

Why is it important to take care of the eye area?

This extremely sensitive area of the face requires special care - and for good reason

7 učinkovitih načina rješavanja podočnjaka

7 effective ways to get rid of dark circles

Do you know how to properly care for the eye area for a youthful and rested look? We bring the best advice.

Skinfluencerski trend: Trebamo li uistinu koristiti zaštitni faktor čak i kod kuće?

Skinfluencer trend: Do we really need to use sun protection even at home?

Internet "skincare gurus" promote the trend of wearing sun protection at home as well - are we missing something really important?

Pravilna njega kože u proljeće - što je bitno?

Pravilna njega kože u proljeće - što je bitno?

9 pravila za pravilno hidratiziranje kože

9 rules for proper skin hydration

You probably already know all the secrets of proper skin hydration - but it's worth repeating them from time to time!

Zimska dehidracija: Evo kako sačuvati blistavu i zdravu kožu

Winter dehydration: Here's how to preserve glowing and healthy skin

The arrival of December not only heralds holidays, mulled wine and spending time with loved ones, but also problems with the skin - especially if it is sensitive or reactive. But don't give up, nothing is impossible to solve, not even unpleasant dehydration!

Samouvjereno zakoračite u aktivnosti za njegu kože u jesen

Samouvjereno zakoračite u aktivnosti za njegu kože u jesen

Što je bakuchiol i zašto ga svi hvale?

What is bakuchiol and why is everyone praising it?

The most popular ingredient in the beauty industry justifiably sits on a pedestal. Find out why!

Kako njegovati kožu sklonu nepravilnostima?

How to take care of skin prone to irregularities?

Both problematic and reactive skin can be kept in a healthy balance if you take care of them properly

Kako izbjeći i spriječiti bore na licu?

How to avoid and prevent wrinkles on the face?

With expert advice, find out how to reduce existing wrinkles and avoid new ones!

Što je skin fasting? Upoznajte minimalistički trend njege kože

What is skin fasting? Meet the minimalist skin care trend

Is it time for a much needed skincare routine reset?

Mikroplastika - makro problem mikro veličine

Microplastics - a macro problem of micro size

Get to know one of the biggest environmental problems today - and how we fight against it!

Što je skvalan i zašto ga svi imaju u svojim kozmetičkim torbicama?

What is squalane and why does everyone have it in their beauty bags?

The popular "fat-free" oil really has a lot of benefits, and fat-skinned people shouldn't be afraid of it either!

Najbolje navike koje pomažu borbi protiv stresa

The best habits that help fight stress

If you encounter stress every day and it has become difficult for you to find effective ways to fight against it - these easy-to-adopt habits can help you!

Detox nakon blagdana - za vašu kožu!

Detox after the holidays - for your skin!

We bring you tips on how to shine in full glory after the holidays!

3 navike njege kože koje se isplati usvojiti!

3 skin care habits that are worth adopting!

There are small skin care habits that can make a big difference, and they are not difficult to adopt! Read what they are and let them become part of your daily routine!

Kako kontrolirati masnu kožu tijekom ljetnih mjeseci?

How to control oily skin during the summer months?

Summer is around the corner - and it doesn't have to be a nightmare for all oily skinned people!

Kako prilagoditi rutinu njege kože zimi?

How to adjust your skin care routine in winter?

No, you don't have to immediately replace all the products you have at home - but it's worth investing in a few!

5 najboljih savjeta za njegu kože s TikToka

Top 5 skin care tips from TikTok

Social networks are like a lottery - they provide a lot of information, but how much of it is actually useful?

Najdraži L'ADRIA proizvod Pamele Smoljanić

Pamela Smoljanić's favorite L'ADRIA product

A well-known fashion influencer and lover of quality skin care revealed a little secret to us - she recently replaced her favorite L'ADRIA product with a new one!

Adenozin: anti-age tajna Koreanki!

Adenosine: the anti-aging secret of Korean women!

Do you want to introduce a quality anti-aging product into your routine, but you are not sure which active ingredient to start with? We suggest adenosine!

Inovativni fitoplankton je novi saveznik za masnu kožu

Innovative phytoplankton is a new ally for oily skin

Saves the skin from dehydration and excessive secretion of sebum

Face yoga: Vježbate li svoje lice?

Face yoga: Do you exercise your face?

You are probably familiar with yoga, but are you familiar with the concept of facial yoga?

Napokon otkrijte kako njegovati lice prema tipu kože

Finally discover how to take care of your face according to your skin type

Are you sure you know your skin type well? We divide the skin according to types and, additionally, according to its problems. Depending on the identification of the skin type and its problems, we choose the ideal products for ourselves. Let's repeat once again how to define your skin type!

Mediteranska prehrana i Vaša koža - savršen spoj!

Mediterranean diet and your skin - a perfect combination!

It is not without reason that it is said that what you put in your body is just as important as what you put on your skin - and now find out why

Lana Biželj otkriva svoj najdraži L'ADRIA proizvod

Lana Biželj reveals her favorite L'ADRIA product

Last year it was extremely difficult to choose a L'ADRIA favorite - and we understand why!

Zašto odabirom staklene ambalaže smanjujemo opterećenje na okoliš?

Why do we reduce the burden on the environment by choosing glass packaging?

Environmental pollution is an extremely important topic in 2020, and here's why you should keep it in mind when choosing beauty products.

Hiperpigmentacija: Sve o najčešćem kožnom problemu žena nakon ljeta

Hyperpigmentation: Everything about the most common skin problem of women after summer

Suddenly noticing dark spots on your skin? Don't worry, you're not the only one – this problem is the most common skin problem for women after summer

Kako pripremiti lice za šminkanje poput profesionalca?

How to prepare your face for makeup like a pro?

We all know that quality and proper skin care is mandatory if we want to have fantastic and long-lasting makeup - that's exactly why we sought expert advice

Kako pravilno njegovati kožu nakon sunca?

How to properly care for the skin after the sun?

It is not enough to just reach for the products you are used to using...

7 dermatoloških savjeta za njegu suhe kože

7 dermatological tips for dry skin care

Dry skin suffers the most in winter, but with the adaptation of lifestyle habits during the coldest season, dry skin can also be dealt with.

Zašto je L'ADRIA Rejuvenating Oil plave boje? Otkrijte sastojak kojeg obožavaju u Koreji!

Why is L'ADRIA Rejuvenating Oil blue? Discover the ingredient loved in Korea!

Our elixir of youth caught everyone's eye because of its gorgeous blue color. Although at first it is easy to conclude that it is the most ordinary artificial dye, we used a completely natural and beneficial ingredient that Korean women have been enjoying for years.

Revolucija za problematičnu kožu: Saznajte zašto je gliciretinična kiselina novi MUST HAVE sastojak u njezi masne kože

Revolution for problematic skin: Find out why glycyrrhetinic acid is the new MUST HAVE ingredient in oily skin care

Find out why you need glycyrrhetinic acid!

Sastojci koje ne biste trebali koristiti u trudnoći

Ingredients you should not use during pregnancy

Although apparently everything is safe, it's time to start reading product ingredients!

Najbolji beauty savjeti koje smo naučili od mama

The best beauty tips we learned from moms

Although we like to believe otherwise - moms really are always right

Ljepota iz dubine mora: ovo su novi hit sastojci

Beauty from the depths of the sea: these are the new hit ingredients

Living in the Mediterranean has a number of advantages, and some of them are related to skin care

Zašto tvoja rutina mora sadržavati NIACINAMID?

Why must your routine contain NIACINAMIDE?

Learn all about this fantastic ingredient!

5 napitaka uz koje će vaša koža zablistati

5 drinks that will make your skin glow

It is common knowledge that beauty does not only come from the outside, but also from the inside

Kako se riješiti pigmentnih mrlja na licu?

How to get rid of pigment spots on the face?

Pigment spots are one of the biggest skin problems after summer, and autumn and winter are the ideal period to treat them!

7 savjeta kako se riješiti prištića na licu

7 tips to get rid of pimples on your face

When it comes to keeping the skin clean - and without irregularities - prevention is more important than anything else.